5K Race Information
The Course
Explore the historic Ravenswood neighborhood and the iconic Lincoln Square.
Stepping off at 8:00 AM from Hermitage and Wilson, you'll enjoy a closed course on all city streets that winds through this beautiful neighborhood.
You'll be fully supported from cheering neighbors and take in the energy and hydration at the aid station along Lincoln Ave brought to you by Fleet Feet Lincoln Square.
Corrals and Course Time
The race utilizes start corrals to maintain a safe, fast, and fun experience for everyone. Your corral assignment (A, B, or C) will be printed on your race bib based on your estimated pace per mile entered during registration. Corrals will be set off in approximately 3-minute intervals. To enter the corral area, enter from the east side of Hermitage Avenue.
Please note: Only athletes with a bib number visible on their front torso will be allowed in the start and finish areas. Security personnel will be monitoring the start and finish line area to ensure everyone's safety.
For the safety of all our participants, those running with baby joggers MUST line up in corral C. We also ask that all walkers line up in the back of Corral C. Skateboards, rollerblakes, unauthorized bicycles or any other wheeled device and unauthorized pets will not be permitted on the course.
Walkers are welcome, but they must maintain an average of 15-minute mile pace (roughly 4 mph) or faster. It is the equivalent of a brisk walk. If you fall below this pace, race organizers cannot guarantee course support. Aid Stations, medical support, and road closures will begin to become unavailable to participants. The local police and race organizers will ask you to reroute to a shorter version of the course or move up onto the sidewalk where you will be required to obey regular traffic laws.

CARA Circuit Race!

The Ravenswood Run is excited to return as a CARA Circuit race for 2025! We can't wait to welcome CARA members and circuit competitors to participate in the 5K.
Post-Race Party
Once you finish, don't forget to celebrate your accomplishments at our post-race party and community block fest. You'll enjoy music, delicious snacks and refreshments available for all runners.